Georgia Tech- Ernest Scheller Jr. College of Business

Georgia Tech- Ernest Scheller Jr. College of Business
Average GMAT Score678GMAT Range610-720
Total Applicants

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Acceptance Rate

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Class Size63Average Work Experience60 Months
Applicant DeadlinesR1:01-Oct-2020
Decision DatesR1:20-Nov-2020
Length of Program22 MonthsPlacement Information

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About the Program:
Scheller's strategy to an MBA education is unique from other business colleges. The school restricts the number of students enrolled every year to only 75. This encourages a sense of community and deeper connections among students and administration, teachers and employment services. Pupils acquire the expertise essential to succeed in ever growing business environments.
The flexibility of school's program enables all students to personalize their degree, deciding upon from a wide range of specialties to fulfill specific career objectives.

Georgia Tech Scheller Essays (2015-16)

There are two required essays and one optional essay.

1. Respond to one of the topics below (Required):

A) Describe a risk that you have taken and discuss its impact on your life.


B) If you could trade places with someone for one day, who would it be and why?

2. Why an MBA and why Georgia Tech? (Required)

3. Optional Essay

The Admissions Committee believes that the required essays address issues that help us learn about you and understand your candidacy for the MBA program; however, you may provide us with any additional information pertinent to your admission that has not been previously covered in the rest of the application. Feel free to discuss any unique aspects of your candidacy or any perceived weaknesses.

Please note that there is a 4,000 character maximum (including spaces) for each essay, so please be sure to keep that in mind should you choose to work on the essays in advance.


Each essay should be no longer than one typed page. The first two essays are required; the third is optional. Essay questions must be completed online - Do not mail separately.
1. If you could host a dinner party and invite any four people, either living or dead, whom would you invite and what would the five of you discuss together? There is no right answer concerning the dinner guests; rather, we want you to be creative and thoughtful in your response. (Space is limited to 4000 characters.)
2. Describe how your experience, both professional and personal, has led you to the decision to pursue an MBA at Georgia Tech. How does this decision relate to your future career goals? (Space is limited to 4000 characters.)
3. (Optional) The Admissions Committee believes that the required essays address issues that are important in learning about you and in understanding your candidacy for the MBA program. However, you may provide us with any information pertinent to your admission that has not been covered in the rest of the application. Feel free to discuss any unique aspects of your candidacy or any perceived weaknesses. (Space is limited to 4000 characters.)
Application Process:
  • Submit responses to application questions and essays online. The online application enables you to create a username and password to save your work and return at a later time to complete.
  • GMAT or GRE Scores.
  • Three Letters of Recommendation.
  • A $50 application fee must be paid online with a credit card or e-check if you have a U.S. bank account.
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