Services - General Education

Please click on any services from the list to see the details

MBA Application Services

GMAT Preparation

GMAT Preparation

School Selection

School Selection

Essay Editing (Application Development)

MBA One Essay Evaluation

MBA Application Packages

Integrated MBA Application Package (5 school)

AIntegrated MBA Application Package (5 Schools)

Integrated MBA Application Package (6 school)

Integrated MBA Application Package (6 school)

MBA Admission Guarantee Package (10 School)

Admission Guarantee Package

MBA Application Services

One Essay Evaluation

MBA One Essay Evaluation

MBA Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

Resume Editing

Resume Writing

MBA Ding Analysis

MBA Ding Analysis

Career Counseling for MBAs

Career Counseling

General Education - Essay Review Process


Sample Review

Please find the sample review (click to enlarge and see details)of a sample MBA admission essay,which was originally written by an applicant and after it hasbeen modified by our consultant after repetitive review and brainstorming sessions.

How do we differentiate from similar services in Market

  • Personal Interaction:
    We believe in quality service and in order to do, it is necessary for the candidate to stay in close touch with MBA essay consultants. The personal interaction with MBA essay consultants commences from the Brainstorming session and continues throughout the application process. Imagine having someone to call / email / meet to clarify small doubts on sample MBA Essays- that might make significant difference. Most of clients continue to maintain touch with our consultants post-admission to seek career guidance during / post MBA
  • Industry Pioneers:
    We are the pioneers in this industry, servicing our clients since 2006 In these 4 great years, we have made significant progress and served more than 400 customers. Each of our consultants has built an expertise by learning on the ground and serving candidates rather than merely relying on his own application experience.
  • Service Customization:
    Once we fruitfully engage with a candidate, our relentless focus is to ensure the candidate produces best possible application. Towards that end, we go a long way to customize our services. We have at times provided even four essays reviews. We have expedited reviews to turnaround the whole applications within a week. We will walk that extra mile for you, as per situation

Referring Customers

Refer a customer (your contact who eventually buys General Education service) and further avail discount of 10% on your referred customer's highest priced service. You may keep on adding progressive discount by referring as many unique customers as you want.

Note on Fees:

  • The service is non-refundable but adjustable in future in lieu for any other service.
  • According to the consumption assumptions given at the end of each service the amount would be adjusted if required
  • Services bought in March are non-adjustable due to accounting complexities of year end
  • Services bought in one financial year will not be adjusted in next financial year
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